Thursday, 5 April 2012

Google Play: The Giant Platform serving Android Development

Introduced in March 2012, Google Play is a replacement, extension and rebranding of its predecessor dais the Android Market. It is a digital content website from Google that serves as a mixture of an online store for music, books, games, videos, Android applications and more. It is a giant platform serving Android Development in the forms of applications and other digital products. Google Play is accessible with the help of an Android phone, Android tablet, Google TV and computer/laptops. In short, it is an open platform for the developers to submit their applications for the users.

Google Play has billion numbers of applications live for the different Android users and this can be further downloaded by the cell phone users either directly from the Google Play website or from the Android based device. Using a device is a better option as it only showcases the applications that are compatible with the user’s phone. Google Play has billions of free as well as paid applications for the Android phone users that are open for download and installation 24*7. In short, it serves with the best Android development website online for both the developers and the users.

Android Application Development
Even after rebranding and extending the Android Market, Google Play has not changed its policies and goals for the talented and skillful Android developers across the globe. The developers can keep submitting or publishing their applications as they were doing earlier. Also, if the developer has published any application over the Android Market then it is currently live over the Google Play. Thus, there are no changes on the developer’s part with the latest launch of Google Play.

Google Play shows the significance of Android Application Development with more than 10 billion applications live over its platform. Also the Android devices have shown tremendous growth in the mobile market with highest numbers of activation of devices in the first quarter of 2012. The completion between the smart phones has become aggressive and the race between Android and iPhone devices can be easily known by referring any tech-geek. 

Google is making every effort to make its Android mobile platform powerful amongst the existing ones. As it is the God of search engines; there is no doubt in predicting its continuous effort for marketing both Android development and device. To summarize, Google Play is the giant platform for publishing and downloading Android applications for free/Paid and also, it is the best platform for the Android developers to showcase their skills and talent.

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