Sunday, 8 April 2012

What has helped the Android apps development in becoming famous?

Android is the running smartphone device comparing to other expensive smartphones and tablets available in the market. The success behind the sales of Android based phones is definitely its great user interface concept and device speed. There are many things that have turned Android apps development famous amongst both the developers and the users. Here are some of the valid reasons to prove the significance of using Android development for your business.

Firstly, Android is an open source platform and hence, this aids with the free download and installation process to the developers. This in turn proves with the cost reduction as there is no licensing required for working on the Android application development process. Secondly, Android apps are developed quickly and immediately as there are no formalities to be done before using this open source platform. This even aids the developer in saving his time by simply concentrating on the development process.
  • Android- An open source platform
Further, the designing process of Android apps is quite comfortable comparing to other open source platforms. Android is always recognized as the fastest and easiest development process than all other existing mobile open source platforms. The only thing that is required on priority basis from the developer’s side while designing Android apps development process is the correct and skillful use of both programming and coding. In the case of Android application development; experience truly serves as the master’s advice and helps the developer in saving both time and effort on each application. 
  • Android SDK
Also the Software Development Kit (SDK) has proved quite significant for the Android developers while designing the apps as there are readymade codes for the app available. Also, the Android SDK is updated on continuous basis for serving the developers on each step of Android development process. 
  • The Giant Google
The entire marketing, designing and development of Android is handled by Google- the God of the Search Engines over World Wide Web. The different companies are trying to reach the Google top page rankings for earning success and fame and hence it is understood that how Google would be treating its own product for getting successful and famous. 

Moreover, the coding of Android apps development is comparatively less and the overall ROI is high; and hence this has tremendously increased the demand of Android development. This can even be noticed by looking at the quick growth graph of the Android in the mobile platform market.

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